.. _examples: Examples ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: ./falkon_regression_tutorial.ipynb ./logistic_falkon.ipynb ./falkon_cv.ipynb ./custom_kernels.ipynb ./hyperopt.ipynb ./falkon_mnist.ipynb .. _Kernel ridge regression: ./falkon_regression_tutorial.ipynb .. _Logistic Falkon tutorial: ./logistic_falkon.ipynb .. _Hyperparameter tuning: ./falkon_cv.ipynb .. _custom kernels: ./custom_kernels.ipynb .. _Gradient hyperopt: ./hyperopt.ipynb .. _MNIST example: ./falkon_mnist.ipynb Starting with simple kernel ridge regression, via classification, hyperparameter tuning, to large-scale GPU experiments, these notebooks cover all there is to know about Falkon. - `Kernel ridge regression`_ goes through the basic notions of the library with a simple example; - `Logistic Falkon tutorial`_ shows how to use the Logistic Falkon estimator, comparing the results with normal Falkon; - `Hyperparameter tuning`_ is a fully worked out example of optimizing hyperparameters with cross-validation for a real-world multi-class problem; - `custom kernels`_ will walk you through the implementation of a custom kernel. - `Gradient hyperopt`_: a tutorial on using the :mod:`~falkon.hopt` module for gradient-based hyperparameter optimization in Falkon. - `MNIST example`_: A simple tutorial on using Falkon for MNIST digit classification.